Betekenis van:
play around

to play around
  • liefhebberen
  • work with in an amateurish manner



to play around
    • commit adultery




    play around


    1. Don't play around on your way home.
    2. I play tennis all the year around.
    3. Don't play around too much after school.
    4. It's dangerous to play around the fire.
    5. Don't play around with the glass.
    6. Don't play around on your way back home.
    7. They sat around the table to play cards.
    8. Don't play around on the way back from school.
    9. This is food, you don't play around with it.
    10. He likes to just sit around and play video games all day.
    11. If you've got time to play around on an acoustic guitar, practice your bass!
    12. The Agency should also play a pivotal role in coordinating communication around this Regulation and in its implementation.
    13. Securing a sound budgetary position will allow the full and symmetric play of the automatic budgetary stabilisers over the cycle with a view to stabilising output around potential.
    14. Geographical proximity through the existence of clusters of SMEs and innovation poles around public research institutions, for instance, can play a key role.
    15. Securing a sound budgetary position will allow the full and symmetric play of the automatic budgetary stabilisers over the cycle with a view to stabilising output around a higher and sustainable growth trend.